PIDS Training Academy

Grievance and Appeals Policy

At PTA, we are committed to maintaining a fair and transparent learning environment. This Grievance and Appeals Policy is designed to provide a structured process for addressing grievances and appeals related to our programs and services.

Grievance Process

Filing a Grievance

• Individuals with a grievance must submit a written complaint to the QA and HR department –

• The complaint should include a clear description of the issue, relevant documentation, and contact information.

Initial Review

• The QA and HR department  will conduct an initial review of the grievance within 15 days from the time of submission of written complaint. 

• If necessary, they may request additional information from the grievant


• Individuals with a grievance must submit a written complaint to the QA and HR department –

• The complaint should include a clear description of the issue, relevant documentation, and contact information.

Appeals Process

Filing an Appeal

• If the grievant is not satisfied with the resolution, they may file an appeal within a week.

• Appeals should be submitted in writing to the QA and HR Team which will be forwarded to the management. 

Appeals Review

• The management will review the appeal and any additional documentation within 2 weeks. 

• The decision will be communicated in writing to the appellant.


All information related to grievances and appeals will be handled confidentially to the extent permitted by law, with a focus on protecting the privacy of all parties involved.

Fairness and

We are committed to a fair and impartial process in addressing grievances and appeals. Decisions will be based on objective criteria, and decision-makers will not have a conflict of interest.

Rights and Responsibilities

Both the grievant/appellant and PIDS Training Academy have rights and responsibilities throughout the grievance and appeals process. These will be clearly communicated to all parties involved.

Resolution and

We will take appropriate actions to address the issues raised in grievances and appeals and work to prevent similar situations in the future. Feedback may be sought to improve our processes.


Individuals who file grievances or appeals in good faith will not face any form of retaliation.